
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

And on that day, many tiny paper lizards lost their feet. Or how I made some leaves.

Hi, folks. I added a little vine to a new tower today. A while back I bought this hole punch that punches out little lizard shapes. I was going to use it for some Warhammer Fantasy Battles Lizardmen terrain. Then I noticed how much the feet look like leaves. I had punched out a whole bunch of the lizards from light green construction paper about 6 years ago, and they were still sitting in one of my bitz boxes. All of the lizards had mostly faded from a bright green to a light brown, even better for leaves in Mordheim.
So then I started performing multiple amputations on the poor, defenseless reptiles. (Insert evil laugh here)  :)
Pic above shows footed lizard on left with feetless pile on the right.
Pic below shows lizard feet... err, leaves, added to a sisal twine vine.
Another shot of the leaves. They also make pretty good leaf litter if you have the patience to defeet a bunch of lizards.
And there you have it. A pretty cheap, kind of wierd way to make leaves.


  1. Cheap and weird, just as you say... that's the best way to make terrain. Great job!

  2. What a great idea, they look excellent!

  3. @Pahoota: Thanks. It's actually kind of therapeutic to sit there and chop off those little feet. :)

    @Ray: Thanks, man.

  4. I think they're fantastic and look very realistic. However, what I want to know is, where did you get your lizard template cutter from? That is such a cool tool!

  5. One of those - I've had a great idea! Weird but still well worth posting.

    Thank you.


  6. You see now that is genius and a great effect, similar to frogs legs?

  7. @Vampifan: Thanks. I got it around 8 years ago from Hobby Lobby, a craft store chain here in the states.

    @Tony: Thanks. It's funny how those things work out sometimes.

    @Fran: Thanks. Mmmmm frog legs. We used to go frog gigging when I was a kid in Texas. That's some good eating :)

  8. Great idea..lizard feet leaves...made me smile..thanks

  9. @Dangerous Brian and Paul's Bods: Thanks :)

  10. that looks great awesome job!
