
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another Zombie and Survivor painted

Hello, again. I managed to paint a couple more minis today.  One Studio Miniature Zombie and one Hasslefree Minis Adventurer.
Zombie coming up, ladies first, you know.

This is one of the Studio Miniatures Zombies from set #2. I really like this mini. Great little details yet simple to paint. She reminds me of the poor lady they brought in wounded in 2004 Dawn of the Dead.

Next up is the Survivor. This is Hasslefree Minis' "Gruff". I've decided to adopt him as my avatar mini. He even looks a little like me, except no glasses. But I do have a beard, beer, and a katana.
Pic below is Gruff's back. Hasslefree sculpted him with a cool raised emblem on the back of the shirt. I added the USN on his ballcap. I have a similar hat, a little more likeness for my avatar.
To make him more like me I gave him black socks to go with his shorts and sneakers. My kids hate it when I do that. I don't think they've figured out yet that I do just to mess with them. :)

Thanks for looking.


  1. These are really good joe, really like that big woman zombie....Nasty beast

  2. Well done mate. Both on the zed but especially on your MINI ME!

  3. She is gross, in a well painted kind of way. Actually reminds me of some one I met once... Excellent work.

  4. Nice work, Joe. Like the graphic on the guys shirt.

  5. If you're into zombie gaming it's important to have a Mini-Me. Nice choice, Joe. Could you not add a pair of glasses out of modelling putty?

  6. She is really a quality gross miniature and as for your avatar figure you're far more good looking sir....great work!

  7. @The Extraordinarii: Thanks. She is pretty scary.

    @Lord Siwoc: Thanks. Maybe I'll write Mini Me on his base. :)

    @GJK: Thanks. I know what you mean. I've met her many times.

    @Rogzombie: Thanks. It was easy to paint the detail is well raised up from the rest of the shirt.

    @Vampifan: Thanks, I did consider making some glasses. I have some green stuff. I just lack skill. :)

    @Fran: Thanks very much. More kind than true, I'm afraid, especially about the good looking part. :)

  8. Outstanding work on The Gruff's shirt Joe!

  9. Great Stuff Joe. The survivor will be on my next Hasslefree shopping list.

    I'm gonna get some zeds next I think the start of my horde

  10. @Zombie Ad: Thanks. He was a fun model to paint.

    @BrutPaul: Thanks. It's nice painting good quality mins.

    @Brummie: Thanks. Hasslefree makes some great minis. And I can't recommend Studio Minis highly enough.

  11. Nice luckyjoe. That converted miniature is definately you.

  12. Two great looking figures, the women looks bloody 'orrible (not the painting!!) and the guy does infact look like you, nice black socks, its great to mess with your kids, I do it all the time!!!

  13. @Dangerous Brian: Thanks. He's a great mini me. :)

    @Ray: Thanks. And what is the point of having kids if you can't mess with them? :)

    @Irqan: Thanks very much. These were definitely fun and easy to paint. Detail is so crisply sculpted.

  14. The woman is scary...

    Great paintjob, I like them!

  15. @Zerloon: Thanks very much. She is a big bag of scary. :)

  16. The lady zombie is disgusting...and I mean that in the best possible way. The mini-you is great! Really nice work especially on the shirt. And all zombie-hunters should have a cool beverage handy at all times.

  17. @Confused Dad: Thanks very much. That was another feature about this mini I really liked, the cool beverage. :)
