
Friday, February 10, 2012

Some shots of the finished CityBoard

Hi, folks. Here's a few shots of the "finished" CityBoard. Are these things ever finished? Especially since I just received my order from Recreational Conflict of some Ainsty Vending Machines, an ATM Cashpoint Machine and some swivel office chairs. That was incredibly quick. I placed the order on the evening of the 6th when I saw on TMP that Recreational Conflict is the new US supplier for Ainsty. Came home from work today on the 10th and the order was already here. Excellent service. But now I have a few more things to add to the finished board. Anyway, here's some pics. Not the best lighting, unfortunately. Labels will be referring to the pic above the text label.
One of the backlots. The buildings are the Roche Motel (grey), Medical Clinic (white) and Bank (brown). Scratchbuilt dumpster and Model RR Telephone booth.
Sideview down Main Street. A horde of mostly Hero/Horror Clix Zombies in the intersection. The barriers are plaster cast from Ikea ice cube trays.  Buildings on right are Downtowner Apartments (brown) Detective Agency/Bailbonds (grey)  and Gunshop in the distance.  Left side are the Bank, Medical Clinic and the fence of the Warehouse is seen in the distance. 
View from behind the Zombie Horde down Maincross Avenue. A thin line of brave Survivors prepare to fend them off. Me, I'd have got the F outa there. :)
Cross-table shot from the warehouse. Maybe those EM4 Mechs will help the Survivors. 
Different angle down Main Street.
This shot is from behind the Gunshop and Pioneer Steakhouse. A bunch of Zombies are awaiting paint in the left foreground.
Looking the opposite way down Maincross. 
Angled shot from the Steakhouse looking toward the Roche Motel and Medical Clinic.
30 nice Victory Force Minis Zombies.
Same 30 VFM Zombies and an additional 60 Zombies. 30 of those are Wargames Factory, the other 30 are WGF legs with Mantic Zombie heads and torsos.

Well, there you have it, the cityboard. Thank you for your interest, comments, and support as I worked on this project. I should also thank you for your inspiration, as well, because I have drawn heavily on the great ideas I've seen on your blogs. 


  1. Absolutely wonderful Joe! Now enjoy your hard work and get killin' zombies!

  2. Great job. Pretty cool the way your lighting cast shadows in the pics.

  3. Some excellent scenery Joe, the buildings really do look great all together, I like the building where the EM4 are hiding, a great a safe looking fence too!!

  4. Envy.........

    This is looking so damn good mate!!!!

    And the horde of zeds? I am with you on that...Let us get the FRAG out of there!!!

  5. OUTSTANDING! What a place to game in. Will you be holding adventures and posting the outcomes? Hope so. I can't wait. PS your photography is excellent.

  6. The table looks great, one of my friends is working on a zombie game as well going to have to pass a link along to him.

  7. Stunning, simply wonderful!! :D

    This is a great city board, absolutely love it!

  8. Greatset-up, you must be really pleased, just waiting now for a few in-game shots !

  9. That stunning. Absolutley amazing.
    Inspiring me to get some paint on my own buildings.

    Where did you get your metal fence?

  10. Now that's a game board that I'd love to game on! Excellent! All your hard work has paid off, Joe! Thanks for posting this.

  11. @PapaSpanky: Thanks! I am definitely ready for a game. I may do a little solo scenario tonight when I get home from work.

    @Jay: Thanks very much. There's some good natural lighting in the room but it was kind of overcast outside. Winter in Ohio. The lighting was just luck. :)

    @Ray: Thanks. I really like that fencing, too. And it's dead cheap.

    @Lord Siwoc: LOL. I know. I'm a fat old man but I would have done my best slow jog away from that many Zeds. :)

    @BrutPaul: Thanks. Now if I can learn to use one of those comic style batreps like yours I'll be good to go.

    @Irqan: Thanks. I hope to start using it soon, I've got a lot of minis still to paint, but I also have a lot already done.

    @MechDude: Thanks. I hope your friend can find stuff he can use.

    @Zerloon: Thanks very much. I'm very pleased with it. I'm also relieved that it is done. :)

    @Zabadak: Thanks. I hope to have some in-game pics soon.

    @HendyBadger: Thanks very much. The fence was from Toy Soldiers Depot. Here's a link: seller=thedustyloft&Tsearch=fence&pd=187985

  12. Spectacular table Joe. Absolutely fantastic. Love the idea of swapping mantic bits for factory bits to create more variety. Wish I'd thought of that myself.

  13. Wonderful stuff matey. The only thing missing is a Michael Jackson figure.

  14. Beautiful site. Would love to play a game on a table such as this!

  15. Impressive! Very impressive town! But for a Zombie game I miss some blood on the walls ;-)


  16. @Henry's Tat: Thanks very much.

    @Lead Legion: Thanks. I can't claim credit for switching the mantic bits. I got that idea from CDR Vyper on LAF.

    @Geminian: Yeah, you're right. I think someone makes one, though. Great idea. :)

    @Brummie: Thanks. I'd love to have you over for a game, too. It would be great to have a big Zombie blogger get together, would't it?

    @Peter: Thanks very much. I kinda wimped out on bloodiness in case I play other games with it.

  17. Extremly nice looking board Joe, great work and I'm looking forward to seeing all the great Batreps.

  18. @The Extraordinarii: Thanks very much. I was gonna try a small scenario last night, but real life intervened. :)

  19. You sir have just kept getting better and better, excellent stuff......

  20. @Fran: Thanks very much. It sort of evolved as I worked on it.

  21. I get slack for checking blogs on the weekend so I missed this until now. Wow, that is a great looking city. What are your roads and sidewalks made out of?

  22. @Adam: Hi, and thanks. :) The streets are part of the mdf baseboard. I used the rough textured side and just painted it black, adding lines for lanes with paint pens. The sidewalks were made with cheap vinyl floor tile cut into 1.5 inch squares and glued into place.

    @Capt Richard: Thanks very much. Doesn't hold a candle to yours, though.

  23. Very impressive. Looks great as a whole. Looks like you have plenty of Zombies to be getting on with!

  24. @Zombie Ad: Thanks very much. I do have loads of Zombies to paint. I got 5 done in the last couple of days, but then 7 new survivors so I'm still deep in a hole, painting-wise. :)

  25. That looks like a hell of a lot of fun Brother, you did a great job, now you have to do it again in 15MM!

