
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Vacation time

Hi, friends. We're heading out on a little vacation for a while. Up to the lake. I'm bring some stuff to paint and some paper print-outs to make some furniture for my houses and boxes/merchandise for my big box store project. I actually played the final 2 locations for my Day One scenario. Ended up being put OOF in the 3rd location (Big Box store). I just used my fists fighting the Terrified Civilians at the Big Box store. I had to fight 6, the 5th put me OOF.  I did better in the 4th one (Supermarket) and actually killed some gangers and Zombies  and even found a SAW. I used the Risk and Rewards cards for the first time, that's how I got the SAW. Used the SAW to kill the Gangers who came from a PEF resolution, the SAW attracted Zombies whom I killed with the Katana. I also didn't mess around with the Terrified Civilians in the 4th one. I used my katana on them, too. Made a big difference. Killed 4 in no time. LJ is now Rep 4. 

Anyway, I'll check in on you folks' blog while I'm gone as I can. See you soon.


  1. Go you ! - the games sound like fun.
    Have a good vacation !

  2. Maybe it's all the beer your guzzling! Enjoy the family and rest.

  3. Sounds good, hope there's a full AAR in the works. Risk & Rewards deck sounds cool. The one thing your report got me thinking about how in game choices effect your status. Does hacking down civilians put one more on the ganger path? Sort of like Light side, Dark side choices in a jedi game.

  4. Nice find on the SAW. Enjoy the break look forward to seeing what you made when you get back

  5. Sounds like some great gaming. A SAW would really be cool to have, especially so early. Must really attract the zeds though.
    I see you had some issues with Blogger adding colour behind your text, I had the same issue with my last post as well.

  6. Awesome work on acquiring a SAW! Rep:4 will raise your survival odds considerably. Way to go, LJ!

    Have a great holiday and have fun!

  7. Hi, Folks. Thanks very much. That was weird what Blogger did to part of the text. I tried to fix it just now, but no joy.

  8. I do hope you enjoy the holiday mate! And congratz on the game! A saw!!! Holy mother of zombieslaying!!!

  9. I just wanted to stop by and see how you and your family are doing Joe. I'm not sure where in Ohio you live, but I have a lot of friends there and know that the weather has been dangerous with the heat, storms and power outages. I pray that all of you in Ohio come out of this safe and sound.

  10. Hi, folks. Thanks very much. :)

    @Anne: Hi, and thanks very much for your concern. The family is doing okay, nobody was hurt during the storm and nobody had any damage to their homes other than power outage. We live in Hancock County which was declared to be in a state of emergency. We still don't have electricity at my house for the 6th straight day, that's kind of a pain. Makes it hard to blog. :) Temperatures have been in the upper 90's and will hit 100 tomorrow. Hopefully power will be restored soon. Stay cool, everyone. Heh heh, see what I did there? :)

  11. Have a good productive one my friend!

  12. @Fran: Thanks, buddy. I'm back now to "trouble the counsels of the great and wise". A little Tolkien for ya.
