
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Zuzzy Flagston Paven Mat painted

Hi, everyone. I have not posted in a long time. But now I'm back. I've had a nice 2x2 foot Zuzzy Flagstone Paven mat sitting around for a while. Finally got around to painting it.
It was a quick, easy project. First I painted the mat with black craft paint thinned with Magic Wash. Then I followed the cavern floor painting technique described by Bruce Hirst on the Hirst Arts website. It uses an "olive drab" base color with a "khaki" drybrush. I then picked out 1 or 2 rocks in each square with a different, brighter color. I'll probably use the mat in D&D for a town or city setting, maybe a cavern.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Nice work Joe! Where've you been hiding?

  2. Hi, Ray. Thanks. Got too much Real Life stuff in the way for a while. :)

  3. Oh, welcome back! Got me worried there for a while!

    Mat is great, bright stones really bring contrast to it.

  4. Good to have you back Joe, nice work as well!

  5. Hi, everybody. Thanks for the nice welcome. It's great to be back. I'll soon be boring you regularly with posts again. :)

  6. It's so good to have you back! I really missed seeing your work Joe. That is a nice looking mat there.

    Hope all is well with you.

  7. Great update, there is a lot of character in that mat.
    I hope you have been well, your posts were missed.

  8. Glad to have you back Joe. Never boring so fire away.

  9. Good to see you posting again, and you brought your own Zuzzy welcome mat!

  10. Welcome back, Joe. You have been greatly missed.

  11. Nice to see you're once more on the scene, the zuzzy mats are great.

  12. Grrr Blog roll hasn't updated so missed this. Very nice mat mate.
