
Saturday, September 25, 2010

28mm Terrain for Combat Zone

I was inspired a while back by Germy's Combat Zone Project posts on his site, here. If you haven't seen these, you should check them out. I also got back into visiting the Combat Zone Chronicles site. This is a great site with articles on terrain, minis & conversions, scenarios and many other useful features. Once again, if you haven't been there, you should check it out, here. I am really loving the EM4 plastic minis. They're very well made, with very good detail, easy to convert, and very reasonably priced. Here's the EM4 site.
Anyway, I've been working on making some terrain for Combat Zone and here's pics. The first group of pics below are of a mostly demolished ruin made mostly from the Hirst Arts Small Brick mold, and based on a 6" round piece of craft wood. I chose the small brick mold because I think it resembles cinder block. Most of the rubble on the piece was made from putting miscast Hirst Arts bricks from various molds in a plastic bag and whacking it with a hammer. I then glued that debris on to the base. Tried something new with painting these pieces. I filled a spray bottle with magic wash and tinted it black with some craft paint, and used that to spray the ruins, instead of priming and then painting. I was hoping the magic wash would not only paint the ruins and rubble, but also seal it and help hold the rubble onto the base. I think it came out pretty good, and the rubble is holding on to the base pretty well.

The next group of pics is of another ruin. Same construction and painting method. For this one I made a partially destroyed corrugated iron roof. The roof has a frame made from matchsticks. Onto that frame I laid sections of corrugated iron made from cereal card which I ran through a crimping tool. One of the reasons I wanted a roof on this piece was to provide a platform for extra elevation for snipers.

The two pics above show a mattress made from Sculpie polymer clay. I got the idea from an article on the Combat Zone Chronicles called "Putty Rubbish". I made a mattress, a chair and some trash bags a while back. This is the first time they'll see use.
The next group of pics below is of another ruin, this one with a stairway and a little bit of the second floor left.

The pic below shows the sculpie chair I made a while back.

This was a fun little series of builds. I'm really pleased with the way the "black magic wash" worked. It brought out the detail of the unpainted bricks very nicely and helped seal the rubble to the bases. I'll probably continue to use it for the rest of the ruins, though I may make it darker. Thanks for looking and comments are welcome.



  1. Excellent work, Lucky Joe! These are the kind of scenery pieces that you can use in so many games. I do like your scratchbuilt matress and sofa.

  2. Hi, Vampifan. Thanks very much. Those are very easy but I think they add a nice level of detail.
