
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How about Combat Zone in 15mm?

We've recently gotten into Combat Zone from EM4. I've been working on some 28mm Combat Zone stuff but decided it would also be nice to have some 15mm Combat Zone for when I'm in my apartment. (If you didn't know from previous posts I split my time between an apartment during the work week and home on weekends. I do 15mm stuff in the apartment because of size constraints.) Anyway, I already have some nice Rebel minis I can use and some 15mm scaled paper buildings and terrain, but where's the fun in that? Part of the fun in starting a new game is making new terrain and painting up new minis, right? So here's what I've got for 15mm Combat Zone. Some Khurasan minis Post Apoc Road Outlaws for gangers with some Khurasan Sepulvedan Resistance Fighters for Troopers, plus my Rebel minis Gangers, Earth Force Marines, Zombies, SWAT, and Cops. I also started some terrain, making some CD-based ruins using Hirst Arts small brick mold. I'm thinking I'll use one of the new Zuzzy Broken Blacktop mats when they're released.

Here's some WIP shots.
Pic below shows the "Troopers". Khurasan Minis Sepulvedan Resistance Fighters and Command

Pic below the "Gangers", Khurasan minis Post-Apoc Road Outlaws sets 1 & 2.

Pic below shows some of the in-progress ruins. I still need to add the rubble to the bases and paint them up

Thanks for looking,


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