
Monday, September 26, 2011

GW Garden of Morr for 15mm Fantasy

I recently got the GW Garden of Morr set. I really like it. It's beautifully modeled and detailed. I think the mausoleum buildings are a littleon the small side for 28mm, and wondered what they would look like with 15mm minis. I think they work fine with 15mm, and especially with 18mm. Here's some pics. What do you think?

I could see using these mausoleums to make some pretty cool 15mm Fantasy terrain. Thanks for looking.


  1. I had the same thought when I first saw the Garden kit.

    In 28mm you only have a small (yet nice) graveyard, but in 15mm you can create a great setup for some necromancer/vampire action (with some additional terrain pieces).

  2. Good grief they are small but good with the 15mm, nice work on a nice but small set of terrain.

  3. It almost looks like it was made with 15mm scale figures in mind. Good idea, Luckyjoe.

  4. @The Man Who Came From the South: They remind me a little of the new Blue Moon 15mm Horror buildings, but at a much more affordable price. I've been stockpiling some other 15mm terrain,to go with these for a future project. Mainly Gamecraft Miniatures and Proxie Models.

    @Fran: Thanks, I've also got the GW Chapel, primed up. Very small for 28mm, but I think it'll also work for 15mm.

    @SpaceJacker: Thanks. I have a cunning plan in development. :)

    @Vampifan: Thanks. I've always liked GW buildings but they're smaller than I like for 28mm. I agree, they're almost purpose built for today's big 15s.

  5. Hi, Ray. Thanks.

    Hi, Damon. Thanks, and welcome to the blog.

  6. Scale is funny thing, the beauty of it is that something made to one model scale can be used as something else in a different scale layout. Mausoleums come in many sizes from those built to house just one internment to a whole family building. So they upscale and downscale just by using different sized figures. With smaller figures these can even become gothic churches or temples.

    Great post.

  7. Just about to start putting mine together.

    Love the understated blue roofs you have painted - what colours did you use?

  8. Hi, Paul. I used some craft paints, unfortunately, I can't remember, now which ones. Started with a cobalt blue and worked up through two lighter blues, a couple of grey drybrushes, black magic wash at the end.
