
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A couple more minis painted: 1 zombie & 1 Survivor

Hi, everyone. Last two days have been kind of crazy. I've been off work but we're still in the middle of moving and unpacking. In true gamer fashion, my gameroom was top priority but now I'm stuck with the honey-do list.  Today I got the washer and dryer going. I won't bore you with the details. The hot water heater wasn't working. Haven't had a shower in 2 days. (Did I mention I was off work?) Electrician said it was a blown fuse. I bought a new fuse and installed it. An hour later wife notices an unpleasant burny smell. I couldn't smell jack, still got the cold from hell. Eventually opened up the closet for the water heater and the quick disconnect is quietly smoldering away in the corner. "General Quarters, General Quarters. All Hands Man Your Battlestations. Reason for General Quarters, fire in the water heater closet. This is not a drill. Provide from Repair One." (I'm Repair One- that's Navy Damage Control lingo BTW). I ran and hit the breaker, hit the fire with the little household extinguisher, and set up a fan to desmoke the space. Yee-MF'in Haw. Called the electrician. "Hep Me, Hep Me." Dude was there in like 15 minutes from a pretty good ways away. Everything is fixed, now, and we even have hot water. My sweet daughter Kelli who lives here in town brought us a wonderful Chicken Tetrazini casserole for dinner (kitchen still being renovated). And my wife even surprised me with a nice 6-pack of beer.  So now my day has turned very nice. I managed to snap a few shots of a Zombie and Survivor I got painted over the last few days.

Pic above shows our cat Tiffany taking over a corner of the game table. I like having her up here with me.

Pics above are my 1st Survivor. Hasslefree's Ken, which I think strongly resembles Ving Rames from Romero's 2004 "Dawn of the Dead". A great mini. I was very pleased with my paintjob until I see it on the monitor. I gotta fix the pants and maybe darken his skintone a little. Still, not bad for a no-talent hack like me. :)

Pics above are the Victory Force Miniatures Mascot Zombie Dino. A very characterful mini with great detail. There's a nice little backstory with my purchase of this mini. Victory Force had their Christmas Code 25% off sale with free shipping during the Christmas holidays, but it did not extend to their random 10 packs of Zombies (they're already really discounted). I asked them about it and they told me if I bought one of the regularly priced Zombies I could get 25% off that Zombie, plus free shipping for anything else I ordered with it. I thought that was pretty cool so I ordered this Dino Mascot and 3 ten-packs of the Random Zombies. Great customer service and an excellent product.

I painted the Mascot Dino's eyes Vampifan style. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I love the way Vampifan does the eyes for his zombies. I thought about about doing him Barnie-style, but Vampifan already did that, so I went for a sort of Fred Flintstone's pet Dino theme.

That's all for now. I'm for a hot shower. Thanks for looking.



  1. Both figures are very nice!!! Sounds as though your having a fun few days off!!! I hope they next couple get a little better!!

  2. @Ray: Thanks, it has been slowly been getting better and better. Right now I'm drinking cold beer and eating Spicy Nacho Doritos while surfing the web. It don't get much better than this (Sadly). :)

  3. If the cat approves (and it appears she does), then you're probably good to stay ;). The Hasslefree Ken actually reminds me a bit of Vin Diesel, though he's wearing a shirt rather than the singlet he wears in Pitch Black. LOL

  4. cool paintjobs on both very nice sir! It seems that gaming area are all the buzz at the moment in the cat world they are far more comfortable than any bed or sofa

  5. Well done sir! Both with the small fire and your mancave. You kept calm and fixed the problem!

    You know....It is the small things in life that really matter. The moment you sit down with a cold beer after a hard work day. That little moment of time....It is fantastic!

    Well done on the minis. I think they are looking great mate. Keep fighting the horde!!!!

  6. Nice paintjobs, Joe. If you want to copy the way I paint zombie eyes, go ahead and do it with my blessing, That applies to anyone else thinking of copying my style. Painting and modelling ideas are meant to be shared, not jealously guarded.

    The cat looks so contented!

  7. We've all been there. Must hjave been kinda scary when your dinner re-animated and came out of your model container!

  8. Mmmmm... cold beer and nachos! :)

    Great paint jobs sir!

  9. Good to hear things are getting sorted, nice figures of which I have the hasslefree one, beer and nachos sounds good right about now....

  10. @Kobold: Yes, it looks like her Highness the kitty is getting settled in,now. That's a good point about the Vin Desel resemblance.

    @Brummie: Thanks. It makes me wonder if while we're sleeping the cats aren't blogging about their new sleeping tables with tiny buildings. :)

    @Lord Siwoc: Thanks. A little excitement goes a long way for me nowadays. And you're so right about how that moment of relaxation really makes things just right.

    @Vampifan: Thanks very much. I learn lots of cool tips from your blog. Its very kind of you to share your skills. And, yes, she is a happy cat.

    @Irqan: LOL. It does kind of look like that. :)

    @Zombie Ad: Thanks. I don't get much of those nowadays, so that makes it even better.

    @Fran: Thanks. Yes Beer and Nachos is one of those perfect combination foods. :)

  11. Nice, Joe. What if the Chicken and the Dino Zed team up for a shopping and dining spree...

  12. Love the Dino-Zombie! Hope policeman Kev is aiming for the head. Man, I am so jealous of your gaming space! I dream of having a setup like that. Glad to another feline interested in gaming. Ours one played an unexpected active role in a Necromunda game (Where he earned his nickname the Hideous Hive-Cat).

  13. @Jay: LOL. That would be something to see.

    @Confused Dad: Thanks. I am loving the new game room. I finally have a nice one. Before I had a leaky converted garage/shed. All of my foamcore and paper buildings warped from the dampness. This room is warm and dry and right in the house. No more trudging through snow or weather. Only downside is its in easy reach of the better half. :)

  14. WOW!!! I´m mesmerized! In the middle of a moving mess; getting your game room ready; almost eletroshocking or burning yourself and still:

    a)You get to be pampered by your daughter and ol´wifey!
    b)Managed to have the time for painting cool minis!!

    You´re like my hero!

  15. @Dice Plague: LOL. Thanks. See, that's why I call myself Luckyjoe. :)

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