
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1 Survivor, 5 Zombies and 2 Pop Machines

Hi, folks. I got a little painting done today. I finished off the last of my Studio Miniatures Zombies. These are great minis with marvelous detail. I will be getting more and heartily recommend them. If you're in the U.S. and don't want to pay the international shipping, you can order them through SgtMajor Minis. Also painted one of my Hasslefree Minis adventurers, Sadie. A beautiful sculpt, I chose the Sadie with the crossbow and stake. Watching Walking Dead, a crossbow seems like a pretty good choice for Zombie gaming. Plus, I anticipate being able to use her in the upcoming ATZ game, "After the Horsemen", which will feature the usual supernatural opponents with the ATZ mechanics. And, I painted a couple of Ainsty bow-front vending machines I recently got from their new U.S. supplier, Recreational Conflict. Here's some pics:

HassleFree Sadie.

A couple of Studio Miniatures Zeds

The 3 pics below are of another Studio Miniature Zombie
Pics below are a couple more Studio Miniatures Zombies with the new vending machines.
Pics below of the Ainsty Casting Co. Bow-front vending machines.
These pop machines are a very nice product. They were fun to do. I googled some pics of Coke and Pepsi machine for the graphics. Sized them to fit the models, printed them out and applied them. After painting them I cover them with a few coats of gloss Mod Podge decoupage. 

I'm working on an Ainsty cashpoint machine today, as well as 8 female zombies from Victory Force Miniatures. Thanks for looking. 


  1. I love the crawler grabbing the parking clock :D

    A stake sounds like a great weapon for fighting supernatural!

  2. When I saw your vending machines, My first thought was, blimey, Joe's done a cracking job on painting them! Now I read you "cheated" and used images from the Interweb on them! Actually, fair's fair. I'd have done the same thing myself!

    I really love your not-Buffy figure and the Studio zombies are simply the best!

  3. Great stuff, Joe. Who's going to give the zombie a parking ticket? not me!

  4. Sadie in particular looks fabulous.

  5. Those pop machines are really neat and I love Sadie. She could do some serious damage. Nice paint work here. (When I click on your avi in my comments section, your blog doesn't show up, I found you at Rays just now and it showed up, so I'm following you).

  6. @Mathyoo: Thanks, that crawler is cool. The stake already has a name, too. "Mr. Pointy". :)

    @Vampifan: Thanks very much. Next time I might try to make a decal for the vending machines. I have a little Testor's decal kit. I had to get the not-Buffy, also picked up not-Spike and not-Willow. I think I ordered them the same day you posted about "After The Horsemen" on your blog. :)

    @Jay: Yeah, I'd have to wrap it around a bullet. :)

    @WQRobb: You're very kind. I am rather proud of her. :)

    @Anne: Thanks very much. Blogger has been worse than usual lately. I did switch to Google Chrome, though, and it has made Blogger much better for me.

  7. Great looking machines and Z's, more eye candy for your streets.

  8. Top job Joe, the vending machines are awesome!!!!
    Please lose the passwords for comments, they (blogger) have changed it, its a bloddy nightmare!!!!

  9. Sadie and the Z's look great. Those drink machines are excellent!

  10. This is great! And you are so right concerning studio miniatures, in my opinion they are the best zombie makers in 28 mm today.

    Good work on the pop machines as well, small things like this really makes it all look that much better.

  11. Bloody lovely work my friend but those vending machines are excellent and I now need a coke....

  12. Sadie with the crossbow...I want her! Looks like I'll be surfing Hasslefree's site this weekend. Great job!

  13. Great stuff, Studio Miniatures do the best zombies imo and Sadie looks badass (cue Buffy music)!

    I own the same vending machines and may have to steal your logo idea (if thats ok?)

  14. @Zabadak: Thanks very much. Eye candy is what it's all about for me, lately.

    @Ray: Thanks. And you're right about the passwords. I noticed that last night. I'll see if I can change it.

    @Brummie: Thanks. They were fun to paint.

    @Lord Siwoc: Thanks. Ever since Vampifan introduced me to Studio Mins and Hasslefree on his blog, I've been loving them.

    @Fran: Thanks. I had to have a Coke while I was painting them. :)

    @Confused Dad: Thanks. Sadie is a cool mini. Now I also want the Sadie with the pistol and shotgun.

    @Henry'S Tat: Thanks. Ypu are welcome to use anything here that looks good to you.

  15. Sadie is one of your best painted miniature, for me.

    And is a very good paintjob! :D

    Rally like the vendor machine too!

  16. @Zerloon: Hi. Thanks very much.I enjoyed painting her and I do think I did a pretty good job. :)

  17. Very nice Lucky Joe. Sadie looks fantastic and those vending machines -and zombies- really look the part too!

  18. Love your treatmewnt of Sadie and those machines are superb!

  19. Great job on those pop dispencers, they look awesome.

  20. @Lead Legion, Zombie Ad, and The Extraordinarii: Thanks very much, guys. I really appreciate the kind remarks and encouragement.

  21. Can I get a coke to?

    Excellent painted figures and scenery!

