
Monday, February 6, 2012

Another Sarissa Precision Building done.

Hi, everyone. I finished another Sarissa Precision building. This one I will use as a Private Detective Office with a Bailbondsman upstairs. This building was primed with Krylon Gray spray primer, a gray craft paint for the stones, and Citadel Foundation Mordian Blue for the windows and trim. The floor was a printout from IIRC FatDragon Games Rio Draco set, with the interior walls being print-outs from the WWG Mayhem PD set. The rooftop also is WWG from the Armory set, I think.

The signs I made in Open Office after a google search for images. Minis pictured are SgtMaj Minis GetSome 28mm SciFi Crew. The Zombie is a HorrorClix Policeman Officer.

Here's a shot of the rooftop with the WWG print-out.
Side view. I decided to put the billboards on this side wall. Anybody recognize the Billy Mack reference? And the detective agency motto is a misquote of the Pinkertons.
 Rear of building. Signage from Twilight Streets freebie Stinky Pete's Pizza shop. Mal is facing off against a gorram Horrorclix construction worker Zombie, while Zoe and Wash hold lookout on the rooftop.

The other side of the building. Signage is from MicroTactix Twilight Streets, The door is from WWG, I think it's part of a sheet of doors from the Bits of Mayhem Downtown set. I used another WWG door on the interior door as well. All of the side doors in the Sarissa Precision bundle I got had the same door, so I wanted something a little different this time. That is Wash on the street by the door, while Jayne, Zoe and Mal cover him from above.

Here's a close-up of the door. I applied some silver "puff paint" to the knob and hinges. Puff paint is used on fabric to give a raised 3D effect. I think the hinges came out well. I may have to add more for the knob, though.
This is the puff paint I used. I've been meaning to try it out.
Pic above shows the upstairs interior. I forgot to put the stairs in.
Here's the ground floor interior. The side door and wall texture are from WWG.
Pic above is a view of the interior through the front windows and door. The doorknobs were done with the 3D paint, too. 
Well, that's all for now. Thanks for looking. C&Cs welcome.


  1. Those look really good. I'll have to look into Sarissa.

  2. This looks pretty good. Your city is coming to life!

    And some nice minis as well mate.

  3. Very nice indeed. Those signs are great and add some humour.

  4. You're turning into a right talented individual with this, brilliant work my friend.....

  5. It looks like another winner to me, Joe. The signs on the wall really help to bring it to life and give it some character. Plus, a little humour never goes amiss.

  6. All looking good Joe. Soon you'll have enough for two cities!

  7. @WQRobb: Thanks. The Sarissa buildings are a great product.

    @Lord Siwoc: Thanks. Only 2 more buildings to go.

    @The Extraordinarii: Thanks. It's starting to come together.

    @Caliban: Thanks. The sign are kind of fun and do allow me to inject a little fun.

    @Fran: Thanks very much. I don't think I've ever put so much work into a project. :)

    @Vampifan: Thanks. Normally I scratchbuild my buildings. With the Sarissa buildings, the signage is one of the ways I can individualize the buildings.

    @Brummie: Thanks. Funny you should say that. Already the OCD side of me is saying "Got room for another 2x4 section to attach. How about a strip mall and a park?" :) Of course the board is designed to be modular so we'll see how it develops.

    @Lead Legion: Thank you. I've discovered a few tricks on painting these. Making the job a lot easier.

  8. You are doing this so FAST! Great work.

  9. Great modeling job, Joe! The graffiti is a nice touch.

  10. @Spacejacker: Thanks. It is going quick, but I've had a few days off. I do some things from the Honey-Do list, then have time for hobby stuff. Soon, i'll be back to the work grind, and I'll be back to painting one or two minis a day, if I'm lucky. :)

    @Jay: Thanks, I realized that I didn't have any graffitti anywhere. Had to fix that.

  11. I love this terrain and what you've done with it. It's pretty much convinced me to go this route rather than the WWG cardstock terrain.
    Would love to see all your city in one shot.

  12. Great stuff Joe, posters do make the buildings come alive !

  13. What a fantastic job!!! I love what you did with the back door. Top class Sir!!!

  14. @Adam: Thanks very much. I think you'll be very pleased with the Sarissa Precision buildings. It's a great product. I have a lot of the WWG sets and at one time had a huge modular cityboard mounted on foamcore. However, my game room was in a leaky old outbuilding and it all was ruined by the weather. The WWG stuff still works great for the interiors of the buildings, though.

    @Zabadak: Thanks. I've just been googling a buttload of free Model Railroad billboards that I'll be using soon.

    @Ray: Thanks very much. And please forgive me for adding "That's what she said". :)

  15. Inspiring stuff joe! I like the way you've individualised each building and brought them to life with actual offices as opposed to "office block 1".

    I'll certainly be stealing as many of your ideas as I can when I come to make mine up :)

  16. @Tea Urn: Thanks. I got most of my ideas from the WorldWorks Game forum. There was an excellent thread on making a modular cityboard,

    Lots of great ideas there. You're welcome to use any idea here that looks good to you.

  17. Jay is right when he linked this blog. These are wonderfull made buildings!

    Great work!


  18. @Peter: Thanks very much. I didn't know Jay had linked this page. Thanks, Jay. :) Where did he link it to?

  19. Superb. The combination of materials works so well.

  20. To this topic Joe!

