
Thursday, March 1, 2012

30 WTF... I mean WGF Zombies painted, and a WIP shot of the Horde

Hi, folks. Sorry about the slip in the title. :) I think WTF is what I thought when I was unboxing and examining these critters. Wow, there's some very soft detail and weirdly proportioned parts, but overall, if you paint them carefully, they still SUCK. As we used to say in the Navy, "You can't polish shit". Oh, well, you really do get what you pay for. Who knew? I had a few left over Mantic Zombie bits I used to convert some of these puppies with, and I also used some WGF Saxon Heads for variety. Cut a few arms and re-positioned them. I'm sure they'll be fine way at the back or in the middle of the Horde.
These are some of the conversions.
More conversions.
Most of the rest are plain Vanilla WGF Zombies.
Stunning, aren't they? :)
Here's a few shots of the Ever Growing Horde O' Zombies.

There's 191 painted Zombies so far. And I received my order from Victory Force minis yesterday. 10 Soldier Zombies and 10 Medical Zombies. That will bring me up to 211, which is a respectable number, and should be adequate for most purposes, I think. I'll be painting the new VFM Zombies soon, then it's on to more Survivors.

Thanks for looking.

Hey, quick edit. I was wrong about not being able to polish shit. Apparently Mythbusters has successfully done so. Thanks, Lead Legion. :)
Link to Mythbusters "Polishing a Turd"


  1. Holy mother of.......

    This looks like trouble for any survivor looking down that road"!

    Well done mate!!!

  2. dude you've certainly got a great output. The WGF will be good as fillas perhaps for use in game.

    Use your better looking ones for the pics bit like shooting a movie

  3. All I can say is "BRAINS".........impressively repulsive!

  4. Wow, looking good so far. You really fly thought the zombie production.

  5. Joe...I'm cutting and running!!!!!!!!

  6. Hah, I love how WGF zombies are all the same, yet your look totally different than mine! Maybe we don't give them enough credit :P

    And congrats on the horde, that sure is more than you can count on the fingers of your hand :P

  7. WOW! That's some horde! Looks fantastic all lined up like that on your excellent gaming board.

    I totally agree with your opinion on the quality of those WGF productions though, although you've done a pretty damn good job with them. Dreadful. Though it seems (according to MythBusters at least) that it is now, indeed, possible to polish shit.

    Apparantly, shit still looks (and smells) like shit even after the polish. We just need to change the saying to:

    "You can polish shit, but it still looks like shit!"

  8. Very very nice. Those crappy zeds do just what they are supposed to, and thats fill in and make a horde.

  9. Great work and what a beautiful horde, zombie goodness.....

  10. That's a lot of Z's!!! I like the beardy Z's, I guess they're the Saxon's, a very good idea!!!!

  11. Regarding your horde I have only one word for you - impressive. Team Vampifan would certainly struggle against that lot!

    The WGF zombies are not my favourite zombies. Even with a good paint job they still aren't as good as those from most other firms. Having said that, you've done a great job with yours.

  12. Hi, everyone. Thanks for the kind words.

    @Lord Siwoc: Yeah, it would be nice to have a 50 cal and a few claymores. :)

    @Brummie: That's a good point about using the better ones for most pics. These guys will definitely be spear carriers. :)

    @Don M: Yes, and not just from my paintjob, for once. :)

    @Adam: Got a few days off, kids at school and plenty of time and paint. :)

    @Jay: I'd be right there with you. :)

    @Mathyoo: Yeah, they do have pretty good variety. And WGF does make some other nice minis. I just wish they'd done better with these Zeds.

    @Lead Legion: LOL! I stand corrected. WI just watched that Mythbuster section on Youtube. How cool is that?

    @PapaSpanky: That they do. And from tabletop distnce with these old eyes, they don't even look half bad. Kinda like beer goggles for Zombies. :)

    @Fran: The Horde is almost complete. I've got 20 more Z's to paint and then no more for a while.

    @Ray: Thanks, I originally bought those Saxon heads for a Middenheimer Warband for Mordheim, but they didn't fit in too well with the GW bodies.

    @Henry's Tat: Thanks, I loves me some hordes.

  13. Joe, it took me about 2 years to paint roughly that amount of figures. Just outstanding work!

  14. Hey Joe, great looking horde and don't knock the WGF z's - youv'e done a great on them too, I'dcertainlynot object to them in a game.

  15. @Spacejacker: Thanks, but if I could paint to your level, it would take me 20 years.

    @Zabadak: Thanks. You're right, they'll do for a game. :)

  16. You done very well Joe! that is one huge zombarious hoarde, might have to call in a military gunship! oh wait their aren't any, we are in a zombie apocolypse.

  17. Let's see a Batrep with those things!

  18. Awesome, and I concur with curt. must have taken some time, you kept it fairly quiet, the volume that is!

  19. @The Extraordinarii: Yeah, no more cavalry to the rescue. :)

    @Kurt: I'm looking forward to a game and batrep soon.

    @Irqan: Thanks, fortunately for my sanity and eyesight, half of the horde are Zombies I painted a few years back. :)

  20. Awesome!

    Truly a frightening see, such hordes is scary as hell!!


  21. @Zerloon: Thanks very much. The Horde is definitely growing. :)

  22. they are more than cool, what a massive bunch of walk dead great job

  23. @Galpy: Thanks, I'm actually thinking about playing a game with them today.

    @Zombie Ad: Thanks very much. I've got 10 more finished, the Medical set from Victory Force miniatures.

  24. Holy mother of ZOMBIE...

    Quoting Arnie S. from Predator:

    They are ugly motherf....s. Thats a huge collection. Congrats on that!


  25. @Thomas: Thanks. I love that movie, too.
