
Monday, March 26, 2012

News Team 5 and EM4 Bikers

Hi, folks. I managed to finish some more survivors this week. These are from EM4 Miniatures Future Skirmish line and are very nice and very affordable. The News Team comes from the "Street People" section and the bikers come from the "Bikers" section. These were fun to paint, and I mounted them on some more of the cool Fenris resin bases I've been using lately. I think I've seen them all reviewed on Vampifan's blog in the past and finally got some for myself.
"This is Susie Dumbass for Action News 5. We're downtown investigating reports of Living-impaired Americans causing a disturbance."
"Eddie! What the hell is that?!!" Video feed lost at this point. :)
Pics below are a couple of the EM4 Bikers.
And there you have it. 4 more minis for the cityboard. Thanks for looking.

Got a new toy today. A Privateer Press Wet Palette. I was going to make my own, but got tired of waiting for my wife to pick me up some parchment paper. I was working six 12-14 hour shifts in a row lately and didn't have time or energy to get it myself. She was too busy and/or kept forgetting it so I finally just ordered one from E-bay. Looks nice, maybe I'll try it out soon and post about it.


  1. You will like your wet palette, I love mine!

  2. Cool, thanks. I was just thinking about trying it out. :)

  3. Joe: these survivors are very nicely done! The biker on the left looks a lot like the president of a biker club out in East county called the Messengers. We used to work with each other for about 20 yrs. He is a gun collector and could probably hold off zombies forever!

  4. Looking good. I like most of the EM4 line.

  5. Are you ordering these in the US?

  6. Susie Dumbass, I like that Joe. I like her pose though, she looks sassy and the bikers are very cool looking. These look like fun to paint and you've done a great job with them.

  7. Great figures, the biker on the left looks excellent and I think poor Susie Dumbass might well come to a rather sticky end??

  8. They look great joe, very nice paint job.

    And living impaired, sounds like something the media would come up with.

  9. Nicely done!
    I was wondering where the voltures are :P

    I especially like EM4's rockers :D

  10. Great minis! I like Miss Dumbass hehe.

    Need to get hold of more of their bikers myself.

  11. Great figures, Mark Copplestone stuff is always so much fun to paint too. Your paint jobs are really nice, they have a character that most people miss when they paint these particular minis.

  12. Damn nice figures, I have the two top figures, love sculpts and a great paintjob!

  13. Great job Joe! I'll be interested if you make a tutorial of how to use your wet palette.

  14. You gotta love those bikers! Good paintjobs on all four figures, Joe. Keep 'em coming.

  15. Oh yes, bikers rock. But what will those reporters, report?

  16. @Jay: Thanks very much. That's cool about your buddy from the Messengers. This guy reminded me of one of the guys from Sons of Anarchy.

    @WQRobb: Thanks. Me, too. EM4 has some great stuff. I've been ordering them directly from EM4 online in the UK. His prices on the minis are so low that I don't feel the bite of the shipping.

    @Anne: Thanks. She does have a cool pose. I've heard these were sculpted by Mark Copplestone, and the quality of his skill really shows well in these minis.

    @Ray: Thanks. I'm betting Susie isn't long for this world, too. :) Loves me some talkin' heads. ;)

    @Mecha Ace: Thanks. I thought "living impaired" would be perfect newspeak. :)

    @Mathyoo: Thanks. Yeah, if you can't have feathered vultures then ones with cameras and microphones have to fill in. :) I like the Rockers, too.

    @Lord Siwoc: Thanks. There are a few more Bikers I want to add. I'd like to get the flamethrower guy, but they were out of stock.

    @Spacejacker: Thanks very much. I spent a lot of time on these guys. I agree about the Copplestone sculpts. I may go over to his site and see how the 28mms there look.

    @Fran: Thanks. These are great sculpts and fun to paint.

    @Kobayachimaru: Thanks. I was looking at it last night. I may try something like that but there are lots of good ones on Youtube already.

    @Vampifan: Thanks. I'm thinking a couple more bikers will give me enough for a nice little gang.

  17. The newscrew make a great addition to zombie scenarios, but it is the biker gang that are the real must have figures. I don't have them yet, but eventually, I will.

    Great paintjobs too.

  18. Loving the eclectic growth of survivors you have available. :)

  19. Great job on the minis,love the way you've picked out the details on them.

  20. @Adam: Thanks. I agree, the bikers are really the must have. The newscrew are there mainly to be eaten, sacrificed, mobbed, hostages, any horrible thing I can think up. :)

    @Henry: Thanks. They are definitely the stars of this group. :)

    @pulpcitizen: Thanks, it is getting to be rather broad. When I paint up the West Wind SWAT and Special Forces that will bring in an official element, too.

    @Zabadak: Thanks very much. These minis are so well made it's very easy even for me to get the details.

  21. Nicely Done Joe, The EM4 Bikers are on my want list to bulk out my Copplestone gang. (as are quite a few othe bikers come to think of it lol)

  22. Excellent paintjob. And I'm going to use my imagination on the camera and the micro. The camera is a gun and the micro a grenade? Yes?


  23. @Brummie: Thanks. Yeah, those bikers are very nice. I like these Copplestone sculpts a lot.

    @Peter: Thanks. That would make a very cool team of assassins, gun-camera and mic-bomb. :)

  24. Hi, Baur. Thanks. Welcome to the blog. :)

  25. these look fantastic really nice job

  26. Impressive job on the bikers, very nice.

  27. Woah, the biker are way better than other minis!! :D

    Like the feelings of the road? :P

  28. @Zerloon: Thanks very much. Maybe I painted them better because I wish I was a biker. :)
