
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Victory Force Minis Zombie Soldiers

Hi, friends. I finished these VFM Zombie Soldiers yesterday. They are nice minis, with lots of character. I bought these as a random 10 pack for 15$ so it's hard to beat the price. These are some of the best VFM Zombies I've seen. I only got 3 duplicates in this pack, so that's okay.
As you can see, the one in the center is a female.
The 3 zeds in the center of this 2nd group are the duplicates.

Well, that's the last Zombies for a while. Time to work on another board section, Survivors, and some more paper terrain from Stoelzel's Structures. Thanks for looking and for all of the encouragement as I worked on my Zombie Horde. I appreciate all of your advice and help.


  1. Damn good work as always my friend, your work rate has exploded and is a pleasure to see....

  2. Seconded. These are great looking Z's.

  3. Great job as usual, Joe. You've done a good job varying the colors of the zed horde's clothing, which to me, creates a nice balance with both the structure and scenery colors.

  4. That's a lot of zombies you've painted lately and they all look great. You must be immensely proud of your horde, Joe, and rightly so.

  5. More great looking zombies Joe. Victory Force sure puts them out at a good price.

  6. You've building quite a big horde at your place. Always nice to see a female zombie. I thing there's so few of them because we clobber the zombies with our purses and get away!!

  7. Nice (?) zombies mate. It's always good when a bargin comes out well.

  8. Really Like these Joe. The poses are nice and the paintjob is great. Keep up the good work!

  9. Great sculpts, well painted. Nice!

  10. Very very nice...
    Well done Joe! :)

  11. Great work!

    Will you paint your regular army troops in same camouflage, to keep them in theme, so to say?

  12. Very well painted, if I can, maybe you should make a bit more different the paint on duplicate.

    I mean, take the woman... even the camo pattern is similar. Maybe make one of them blonde?

    Just a thought :D

  13. Hi, everyone. Thanks very much for the kind comments.

    @Fran: I have been churning them out. :) Today, I didn't paint anything though. I played another solo scenario and will be posting a batrep soon.

    @BigLee: Thanks very much. I like these latest VFM minis a lot.

    @Jay: Thanks very much. I was going for a variety of colors to sort of brighten things up. Who wants a gloomy Apocalypse? :)

    @Vampifan: Thanks very much. I am pleased and also a little relieved. :)

    @Adam: Thanks, one day I'll be getting more VFM, maybe even the Horde deal.

    @Anne: LOL. Yeah, if tried whacking a zombie with my wallet I don't think it would be nearly as effective. :)

    @Irqan: Thanks, isn't that true? I think they are the absolute best in their price range.

    @Brummie: Thanks very much. I was putting off painting them because I didn't think I could come up with a realistic look in their paintjob. Then I realized, "what the Hell, they're Zombies" How realistic do I need to be? :)

    @SpaceJacker: Thanks. And they went very quickly once I got stuck in.

    @Mathyoo: Thanks. Yes, I will probably use the same camo scheme. It was very easy and I have plenty of those colors.

    @Zerloon: That's a good idea. I could have given some duplicates a desert or urban camo instead of a woodland. I'll have to remember that for next group.

  14. Good work as always Lucky Joe. I'm looking forward to that battlereport. Hope it's just the first of many.

  15. @Lead Legion: Thanks very much. And I hope to be posting the batrep tomorrow.
