
Sunday, April 22, 2012

A few more Survivors and a Zombie

Hi, folks. I finished my EM4 Suits and the Tinpot Dictator to go with the Presidential limo I posted a while ago. I also found and finished a Black Orc Games Zombie I had misplaced.
Here's the Zombie. A nice little Bunny gone horribly bad.
Here's the EM4 Tinpot Dictator. This was a fun little model to paint.
El Prez with his bodyguard of jack-booted Government Thugs. I may also use these suits for some MIB type gaming.

That's all for today. Thanks for looking.


  1. Hi, Lucky: great looking mini paint job. The Bunny, IMO, is to far gone for the skills of the Emergency Clinic! Happy modeling, Joe!

  2. Looks like we got ourselves a little dictator that needs to compensate for something. Haha!

  3. That dictator seems familiar, lol. Great job! Black orc for the bunny you say? Got to check that out! :D

  4. Furries are creepy enough,and now that they are zombiefied, ewww.

  5. I used to be afraid of clowns, now I'll have to add bunnies to my list of horrors. I agree with Mathyoo, that dictator seems hauntingly familiar....

  6. Brilliant! The bunny is just ohsocute!!!

  7. Very good, That bunny is just gore-gous

  8. The bloody bunny is brilliant and also the Dictator!

  9. Looking great there, love that dictator.

  10. I love the bunny! I have to get one of them!

  11. Absolutely brilliant! The Bunny is a wonderful gore fest, must have one of those!

  12. Hi, folks. Thanks very much. These were fun paintjobs. Have a great day. I'm off to work.

  13. The Zombie is great, but I really like what you've done with the dictator. Bad time for him to be visiting a foreign nation, in the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse.

  14. That zombie is disgusting and awesome in equal measures!

  15. Great stuff Joe, love the rabbit Z and the Dictator too!

  16. The bunny is hideous I LOVE IT!

    I think a few more escaped creatures from the secret lab, that is obviously under the emergency clinic, are called for. I look forward to seeing what else escapes.

  17. Would you mind if I mentioned your blog on Monday when I post my rabbit? I'm trying to teach my non-gamin/painting followers how to appreciate the skill involved in gaming/painting. Everyone loves zombies and you've got such a wonderful horde here and your scenery is top notch as well.
