
Friday, February 21, 2014

Modular Pink Foam Castle

Pink foam castle
Here's a little castle I made with 1/2 inch insulation foam. I watched some really good tutorial videos on the Wargaming For Fun site. They used two inch thick foam for their castle but all I had was the 1/2 inch. I scribed the foam with a pencil to represent the stones. The walkways are 3 inches wide to accommodate the unit's movement trays. The walls are 7.5 inches tall to the tops of the merlons. The towers are simple boxes with the crenelations added. I had to add the buttresses to the walls because they tended to fall over in the breeze from the ceiling fan. It was painted with black craft paint, an entire 8 oz bottle, and then drybrushed with gray craft paint. It took forever to scribe the lines and was a kind of tedious project, but it cost next to nothing. I already had several pieces of foam insulation, all I needed was a $3 bottle of paint. It comes apart into 4 sixteen inch wall sections and 4 towers and weighs about nothing. I still need to make a gate and maybe a portcullis. I may also add a few more courses to the tower bases so I can add doors from the towers onto the walkways. 
That tall tower in the center courtyard is a modified Hirst Arts Prison tower my son Mark made. It's pretty cool. We may be able to use it in some kind of rescue scenario. And of course, Kings of War has some siege rules.

Thanks for looking.


  1. That's one fine looking castle Joe, love it!

  2. Excellent work sir. Something to be proud of. :)

  3. Looks great - wish I had your patience...

  4. Nice scratchbuild, Joe. Very nice.

  5. It looks well worth all the effort thaat went into this, it's a great fantasy piece.

  6. @Dave: Thanks. I'm thinking of doing more with it, but I'm trying to fight the urge:).

    @pulpcitizen: Thanks, I am a little proud of it, especially when you consider how much it would have cost to buy a Warhammer Fortress.

    @Caliban: Thanks, it was really a patience test. :)

    @Irqan: Thanks. It will work for at least a while, untill I get another wild hair. :)

    @Jay: Thanks very much. I do likes me some scratch building :).

    @Simon: Thanks. All of this kind encouragement makes me want to see what else I can come up with.

    @Joe: Thanks, I'm happy with it now that it's done.

  7. @Dave: Thanks. I'm thinking of doing more with it, but I'm trying to fight the urge:).

    @pulpcitizen: Thanks, I am a little proud of it, especially when you consider how much it would have cost to buy a Warhammer Fortress.

    @Caliban: Thanks, it was really a patience test. :)

    @Irqan: Thanks. It will work for at least a while, untill I get another wild hair. :)

    @Jay: Thanks very much. I do likes me some scratch building :).

    @Simon: Thanks. All of this kind encouragement makes me want to see what else I can come up with.

    @Joe: Thanks, I'm happy with it now that it's done.

  8. My goodness, that must have taken forever. It looks as good as the old Citadel foam castle.

  9. I keep coming back to look at this. I'm going to make one too, to add to my GW castle.

  10. I attempted this several times, but lost time and patience on a 54MM scale..GREAT job you did
