I needed some civilians for Zombie gaming. Rescue or lunch, maybe recruits. I had a few H/O scale people laying around and decided to try using them. I based them on 1/2 inch circular magnet bases, but didn't like the way they looked as pre-paints. I was looking for a quick way to bring them up to speed and wondered how they would look dipped with MinWax. I think they came out pretty good. I just ordered some more from e-bay. Here's a couple of pics of the test figures. I'll let them dry tonight and hit them with a coating of dull coat tomorrow morning.
Welcome to LuckyJoe's Place. This is where I post pics of me and my sons' latest Wargaming projects. The newest thing here is Mantic's "Kings of War", a 28mm Tabletop Fantasy Wargame. There's also Zombies and Survivors, 15mm Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Pirates and Old West, and some 28mm as well. We also have Dungeons and Dragons 3d dungeons and furniture.