
Sunday, October 31, 2010

A couple of 28mm Sci Fi updates

A few little updates. Back in August I had one of those lucky finds shopping at Big Lots. I found a Secret Saturday Griffin Stealth jet for $5. I decided to see if I could convert to a dropship. Here's a link to the earlier post.
I finally painted it in the "night camo" pattern.

Pics above show the dropship with an AT43 container and some EM4 Troopers for scale.

Next is a quickie. A little while ago Vampifan had a nice review article on his blog featuring some Black Orc Games bikers and Black Scorpion Bikes and Bikers, here. I had some Hot Wheels Motorcycles I bought a while back for gaming, but I didn't have any riders. I was inspired to try out a Black Orc Games rider on the Hot Wheels Bikes. I had one Hot Wheels that is practically made to order for the Black Orc Games Rider. Here's some pics:
Pic below shows the Hot Wheels Bikes with a HeroClix mini. I used the bike in the center.

Pic below shows the HW bike with another HC mini for size.

A WIP shot of the assembled Black Orc Games Rider on the HW bike. All I had to do with the biker was spread his arms a little.

Below pic is the Rider after block painting and dipping. I still need to go back and retouch the rider, and maybe add a weapon on his back.

Overall, I think the Black Orc Games rider is a pretty good fit for the Hot Wheels bike. Thanks, Vampifan, for the tip about them.

Last item is another lucky find. This one from Hobby Lobby. In the clearance section I found a Battle Force Army playset for $2.39. It had 2 pretty nice Hummers and a Tank, plus some 54mm plastic soldiers. The Hummers are a hard plastic with black-tinted windows and pretty nice detail. Had a couple of goofy roof-mounted weapons which were easily removed. The tank required a little more work, mainly to the undercarriage, but still had pretty good detail. The 1st Hummer and Tank are now all done but painting, maybe will add some stowage. I taped the windows on the Hummer and took it apart and spray painted it with white primer, followed by a black spray.
Here's what it looked like initially, shown with a HC min for size.

More pics of the Hummers and the Tank to come next week. When these are done I'll use them for some Combat Zone games.

Thanks for looking, Luckyjoe.


  1. Good post, I especially like that ship.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, LJ. Those Hot Wheels bikes work really well with 28mm scale minis. I love what you've done with the Black Orc rider. He seems to have fit your bike a lot easier than my Black Scorpion chopper bike. I can see I'm going to have to keep my eyes peeled for Hot Wheels bikes.
    The aircraft and the Humvee are both great finds as well, Well done, LJ!

  3. Thanks, Vampifan. I appreciate the inspiration your site provides, beautiful terrain and nice minis.

  4. I used the same Humvee s!

  5. Hey, Slobberblood! That looks really nice. I haven't done much with mine, this is nice to see. Those are some cool ideas.

  6. Nice work. Very inspiring! I've just begun my delve into 28mm after a long break, too, and the Hot Wheels bikes are a great idea. Hope we can follow each other's work if you like. Exchange links?
