
Friday, April 13, 2012

Miscellaneous stuff: West Wind Night Rangers, SWAT Decals and a pretty tree

Hi, everyone. I got today off. Kids are at school, wife is doing things that don't involve me. So it's time for some fun. Here's the tree from the title.
This is the view out my painting window today. You may remember the pic of this tree in winter with the birds in it. What a transformation. This is right off the back deck. The air smells beautiful near it, the flowers are very fragrant. Great Spring morning.
Another shot of the tree from the balcony of my work room.

I was sitting there using the natural light to paint some minis and finish some small jobs. Here's one of them. I ordered some decals from Company B for my SWAT guys. Had great service and fast delivery. I applied the decals to my SWATies.
I think they came out okay. The letters are a lot better than I could paint them, that's for sure. :) I've got a lot more decals left. Anybody wants some send me a e-mail.

Next are my West Wind Night Rangers Special Ops guys. I decided to go with a camo uniform similar to the one I used with my Victory Force Zombies a while back. I mounted them on some
Fenris Miniatures 30mm round DS Rubble City resin bases. I love these resin bases. I kept the base paint jobs simple.

Nice, dynamic poses on these minis, and there's a lot of detail on the Fenris bases.

Well that's it for now. I want to get back to painting. I'm working on a couple more Hasslefree Minis; a not Spike and Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Thanks for looking.


  1. Yep...the decals really make a + difference, Joe. Great work.

  2. Looking good. I like the scenery as well.

  3. Wow, nice stuff all around Joe. That is a great view to have from the painting window. Better than most of us, I think.

    Those decals look perfect, better than anyone can freehand, I imagine.

  4. Excellent decals! They look very cool!!

  5. Glorious tree, I would hate it myself though with my hay fevver and pollen issues lol.

  6. Really nice figures Joe, and the view from your window? You're very lucky, man, it's beautiful!

  7. The lilacs are now in full bloom here too and the scent when I'm working in the gardens is glorious a!nd you've got a nice shot of them here. Both sets of figures are well done and your fire truck adds a lot to the scene. Have a good weekend

  8. Great looking figures, and I like the scenery as well, better than my view

  9. I got little indoor mandarin tree from my grandma and its in the same stage, smells disturbingly good! But only has a few blooms, your tree is much nicer :P.

    The decals seem to be really great idea, as it works perfectly. Maybe just a tiny bit too big. How much more you said you have? :P

    Army men ain't bad either, its great to stick with the same cammo theme, gives it a connection!

  10. Ok Joe, as a firefighter I'm always on the lookout for cheap fire vehicles. How much and where did you find it?

  11. @Jay: Thanks. I had a little trouble getting them on but it was worth it.

    @Sean: Thanks. As my scenery collection grows I have a lot of things I can use for backdrops. :)

    @Adam: Thanks, yeah it is a great view. I'm very lucky.

    @Ray: Thanks. I even have some for vehicles from the same set.

    @Dr. Willett: Thanks. That's too bad about the allergies. Allergies can be a real pain.

    @Gunrunner: Thanks. It was a nice way to paint. Except I kept trying to grab the pink paint. :)

    @Anne: Thanks. I love lilacs. Firetrucks are kinda essential for zombie gaming. :) I hope you have a great weekend, too.

    @Mecha Ace: Thanks. It's a lot better than my last place with no view. :)

    @Lead Legion: Thanks very much. 8 more done.

    @Mathyoo: I'll bet that Mandarin tree does smell good. I love oranges. You're right the decals were a little too big. One I had to wrap around and it shows. Still lots better than I could freehand. :) I have a little sheet of SWAT and one of police. E-mail me your address and I'll forward them to you.

    @PapaSpanky: I didn't know you were a Firefighter. You guys do a great service for all of us. Thanks very much for taking care of the rest of us. I got the Firetruck from Toys R Us at the same time I got the garbage truck a few years ago.

  12. Nice Pink tree Joe, Decals make all the difference, it looks pro finished, good decision.

  13. No need to thank me, it should be the other way around. I have a niece and nephew in the Navy, a nephew who is a Ranger, and two nephews that are Marines. I am humbled by those like you.

    Of course TRU doesnt carry a firetruck like that anymore. The search continues...

  14. All the above mate. Cherry blossom time is my favourite. It is the only thing that I miss when I worked on the other side of the river.

  15. Lovely tree. Joe, and a great view from your window. Good paintjobs on your figures and the decals look very smart.

  16. @The Extraordinarii: Thanks very much. I tried freehanding letters but the decals came out so much better.

    @PapaSpanky: That's awesome. It sounds like you have a big service family, too. Thanks for your kind words. I googled both "realtoys" and"real toys" fire truck and found a couple that looked looked similar, but they were part of expensive sets ($40). I think I paid about $6 for this one. I'll keep looking and will let you know if I find one.

    @Irqan: I know what you mean. We tend to remember the best things better.

    @Vampifan: Thanks very much. I knew I couldn't get my lettering as nice as you had done and decided these minis needed a little extra oomph. I was going to paint my Night Rangers black, too, but I didn't want to totally copy everything on your blog. :) Speaking of your blog, I have a suggestion for you. What would you think of adding a new page for your Miniature Reviews?

  17. Great stuff as always Joe, really liked the SWAT lettering decals too.

  18. Looking great Joe really like how the decals turned out on the SWAT. Nice colour scheme for the rangers.

    That tree is nice and pleasing to the eye.

  19. Beautiful tree and, of course, beautiful mini! :D

    Really like the decals idea, but even without it this is a very good paintjob!
