
Friday, April 13, 2012

Formula P3 Wet Palette

I mentioned I bought a P3 Wet Pallete a while back. I've used it a few times. It has some pros and cons, but overall, I like it.

Cons: I like putting the bad right up front cuz I'm a mean old man.
Cost is number 1. Mine cost $17 off e-bay with free shipping. A plastic box with a 1/2 thick piece of foam sponge and a 50 sheet pad of palette paper cut to size. Box dimensions are about 6" x 5.25" x 1.75". Refills for the palette paper around $11 for 2 pads of 50 sheets.

Paper drys out:
Stuff kept drying or curling. I tried adding more water and then the paints ran together. Also, when the paper gets wet it increases in size and no longer fits well within the box, allowing air to come in more readily and speeding drying. I did find a couple of work-around for the paper problems, which I haven't tried yet. One involved using magnets, the other was to place a moist paper towel on top of the foam and then place the paper onto that. I should mention, though, that even though the paper kept drying and curling, the paint was staying moist. So maybe more of a nuisance than a real problem.

Pros: Grudging acknowledgement that this is a pretty good gadget.
Size - A nice size for me because my painting space is so cluttered up so a small footprint is okay.

Keeps paint wet. It works well. I did some painting yesterday morning and just closed the box. When the lid is closed, the paper doesn't dry out, nor does the paint. Here's a pic of yesterday morning's paint this afternoon.
The paint is nice and wet and still usable 18 hours later. You can see where the paper is still popping up even after resting overnight with the lid closed, but the paint is okay.


Buy one of the P3 Wet Palettes if you've got money burning a hole in your pocket, they're pretty good.

Or make one yourself.
Dollar Store reusable plastic food storage container of a size you like. I got a pack of 4 for $1.
Dollar Store foam sponges: 1 package with 2 sponges for a dollar.
Paper towels or napkins: I had some already but readily available for a buck.
Reynolds Wrap Parchment Paper: 15 inches wide by 24 feet long, Walmart $3.
This Parchment Paper is what I'm using now instead of the P3 paper on my P3 wet palette. I just cut it to size.

LuckyJoe's Cheapass Wet Palette

Pic above shows the container with 2 sponges trimmed roughly to size. They've been moistened and are ready for use.
A moistened paper napkin placed on top of the wet sponges. 
A piece of moistened P3 palette paper added on top of the paper napkin. I figured I'd give the P3 paper another chance to see if the addition of the napkin/paper towels makes a difference.
Here's the homemade unit ready to go. I'll let you know how it works.

I've been curious about wet palettes for a while. I think I like them. I hope you'll try them out and tell me what you think, or your experience with them if you've already used one. Thanks for looking.


  1. Thanks for the review, and talk-through Luckyjoe; much appreciated. I now finally actually know what a 'wet palette' is thanks to you. Cheers. :)

  2. Nice little gadget, though I prefer your homemade one. I just don't think I am interested enough in spending the money on a wet palette rather than more figures to paint, haha.

  3. I made some too but hardly ever use them.

  4. Interesting, I've never really known what one was. Must admit don't know if I'd ever use it though.

  5. Great post, Joe. I like the 'home made wet-palette'...that's what I use.

  6. I was checking P3 wet palette after you've mentioned it earlier, but honestly, I think making one of those myself would just do the job.

    So, if I understand correctly, parchment paper is baking paper? The paper you use so the food in owen doesn't stick to the baking tray, right?

    Thats something I could manage. I'd probably need one because my lamp is way to strong, dries paint so fast I prefer to paint at daylight only :P

  7. Joe, I use a Masterson palette. I trim the paper to a bit smaller than the container and I put the palette in a plastic bag when not in use. I have re-used stored paint that way 6 months later. A drop or two of bleach on your sponge will keep mildew from forming.

  8. @PulpCitizen: Thanks. Maybe I should have included a little intro about wet palettes first.

    @Adam: I know what you mean. I could have gotten a few Reaper minis I've been wanting for what I paid for the P3 palette.

    @Dr. Willett: That's interesting. Do you not use yours because you're used to painting your old way?

    @Mecha Ace: I know what you mean. I had heard of them a while back, and finally decided to try it out. Not an essential for painting.

    @Jay: Thanks, Jay. How long have you been using yours?

    @Mathyoo: I agree. A homemade one will work just as well. And yes, parchment paper is baking paper. Different brands of paper may handle the water differently, though. Maybe you could also use a lower power light bulb for night-time painting?

    @PapaSpanky: I was looking at the Masterson palettes on I almost went with one of those. That's pretty impressive having paint last so long. Thanks for the tips about the bleach and the plastic bag, too.

  9. I got one of these ages ago (2010 I think) and found it to be good for a while. Eventually, I got tired of messing about with it and found that my painting didn't seem to suffer. I do mean to break it out from time to time, but my painting time is very sparse and I can never be bothered any more with an extra thing to mess about with. (I stress that it does work well however).

  10. Been using a homemade wet pallette for years now, just like your own make one, because I always tend to put out more paint than I really need and I have never had any problems with paint drying out in my box.

  11. @Spacejacker: It's certainly obvious that your painting hasn't suffered. :) You do great work. It had occurred to me that it using the wet palette is one more thing to do, and I can see how if you have limited time it might not be worth it. I tend to develop a routine around most things I do, so adding one more step including the wet palette doesn't hurt me.

    @Geminian: That is a very good point regarding the extra paint. I hadn't thought of that. I frequently squeeze out too much paint when I use the little Reaper dropper bottles, then I waste a bunch of good, expensive paint. Hopefully my wet palette will help me with that problem.

  12. I've been using a wet palette for about 8 yrs. now. I either use a white medium size plastic container lid for the mixing, and a larger cottage cheese lid with a piece of paper towel torn to size and soaked in water and stuck to the inside of the lid to cover the paint. If left covered on my modeling table it will stay wet for days; if placed in a plastic zip lock bag and placed in the fridge it will stay workable for a week or more!

  13. Making your own is the way to go, if my cack-handed son can do it, then anyone can.

  14. Instead of paper napkin/towel to go on top of the sponge(s) try two layers of white craft felt. The stuff you can buy in squares for around 25 cents a piece at Walmart or any craft store.
